Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Svadhyaya: self-study

The practice of meditation brings about a great deal of self-study. Particularly this 40-day Liberation Kriya I am doing. I completed day 29 this morning and I am pleased to realize that my day does not feel complete until I have done that 9 minutes. In fact, I find myself feeling a bit out of whack in the morning until I do it. There have been days when circumstances have prevented me from doing it first thing, and I find myself fretting about about getting in at some point.

But this morning's self-realization was that I no longer wish to do it as a TASK...something to check off each day. And while I'm doing it, I no longer wish to be clenching my body and WORKING to keep the arms up(right arm) and down(left arm) and in position. I have gained enough strength in both arms and shoulders now that I am pretty much able to just let my arms BE. Just floating out there in space. Now I am concentrating on just resting in the silence and not working to shut my brain off. I've been always on guard for the errant thought that needs to be released to the ether. This being on guard has actually been a thought process I've held onto!

And so now I feel like I'm getting to the point in my yoga journey (about 3 years now), that I believe my body will take care of things while I allow my mind to be set free.

Maybe I'm getting this?

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